Analysis of the Uyghur-Chinese conflict in the XUAR.

1 minute read

This exploration was done in Y1S2 for my Biq Questions module final essay.

The final essay was an open question.

Choose a contested issue, in which the global and the local dimensions are in tension with each other. In an essay of no more than 3,000 words (references not included), please develop an essay that (1) provides an overview of the issue you have chosen; (2) analyzes the perspectives for each side of the contestation; (3) explains which perspective you find stronger, and why. NOTE: Your essay must also incorporate the perspectives of at least three readings/speakers/films from this semester.

I decided to explore the situation of the Uyghurs, and used the ‘sources excel wiki’ method as explained in my Y1S2 review. The sources method helps to compile all your sources and makes everything easily trackable. You can read more about it here.

In this essay, I explore both the Global view and China’s Justifications on their treatment of the Uyghurs in the name of combatting terrorism. I extrapolate and make some bold claims on why, even with the lack of evidence from China’s perspective, the Global perspective is justified, while linking back to in-class readings which consist of philosophical texts or current declarations.

I read widely from a plethora of sources, and recorded all of them down as stated above. You can view the sources compilation using this link.

I mainly used: (1) UN Declaration of Human Rights, (2) Cicero on Natural law, (3) Mill on Liberty and (4) The Crito excerpt: Laws of Athens

The essay is limited in the sense that I was unable to get as much information as I would have liked from China’s perspective. This is an area which warrants further study, as I explain in my essay.

There are definitely errors in this essay, and areas to be improved. Hence I implore that criticisms be lenient and charitable.

If the PDF isnt clear click here to download the essay.