Hello! It’s great to meet you

Disclaimer: This website reflects my personal opinions, and should not be construed as something that in any way reflects the opinions, thoughts, policies, or beliefs of my employer, or whomsoever.

All my posts are drafts, and I come back regularly to retouch up on them. If the post seems unpolished or unfinished, they are and they might/might never be finished. Do reach out to me if you’re ever keen to collaborate or if you are interested in Mixed Reality!

I am a Mixed Reality enthusiast situated in ASEAN. If we have met through conferences, networkings, introductions, I would more than love for us to grab a cup of coffee and discuss anything from 2D/3D games, building on Unreal/Unity, to the future of MR/Immersive Technology and CV compression algorithms. If you’re a founder in the MR space and want to collaborate or believe I could be of help, my calendar is always open for anything MR.

Aside from MR, I have been interested in leadership theories, experiences and stories since I was a young kid and I am also passionate about changing education. I’ve founded a few side projects on my own, hoping it will take off one day, or maybe just provide me wth some much-needed life lessons.

I created this site to track my successes and failures from the adventures that I’ve had (and those that are to come). This site was founded in November 2020 as I started re-thinking about my life and what I had been doing the past year. I mainly write about my failures / successes, do book reviews and summaries on my best reads (periodically), blabber about doctrines and ways of life/philosophy, think about questions that I’ve had since young, and also analyse events that have happened in my own life.

In my writings, I try to be as objective and analytical as possible, and I look at things from multiple perspectives. I am direct in my writings, and I support them with as much data I can find. This might come off as too “sharp”, but that is how I write. I implore you to look at my work with liberality and I look forward to great conversations. Join me in my journey of discovering what life has in store for all of us!

Life is a big, dark room, so dark that you cant see anything. However, there is a door. Some people are born closer to the door, but others, not so lucky. Keep walking, find the wall, and move, till you reach the door.